Undaunted Worship Day 9

Make me to hear joy & gladness & be satisfied; let the bones which You have broken rejoice.

Psalm 51:8

Daunters can leave us deaf, confused, and dissatisfied. Their lies can twist our viewpoint and perspective. We can see things in ways they were never meant to be seen. We need the Holy Spirit to restore the joy of our salvation to us. In the armor of God in Ephesians, it is called the Helmet of Salvation. Helmets protect the head and our minds. Salvation is that protection. When we focus on that beautiful gift we have been given we protect our minds from the deception of the Daunters.

The hard part of this verse is “Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.” My heart reacted to that part. I know what it means to have Him break my ‘bones’. I stubbornly hold on to Daunters and He is left with no choice.

When I was in university I was on the Equestrian Team and during a training session, the horse I was riding was in pain and started to buck to get me off and stop the pain. Of course, he ejected me with such force that I did a rather dramatic mid-air summersault before landing on my wrist and fracturing my radius. I went to the ER and they put me in a cast. The next day my fingers started to swell and the pain got worse. When I went back to the doctor he told me one of the other bones had shifted out of place because of the fracture. In order to fix this, I was going to need to be put under so he could break my wrist again in order to put the misplaced bone back in place. If untreated I would never have regained full use of my hand and wrist again and probably done nerve damage.

Our spiritual bones are like that, a hurt causes a fracture in our hearts and we start to mend it but something else was displaced inside us. It’s those displaced bones that God has to break sometimes. And they are painful.

Our tender physician restores these bones and after the healing takes place we rejoice again. Will you let those bones that He broke rejoice today so your healing will be complete?

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