Be of good cheer, take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted! For I have overcome the world! I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered if for you!

John 16:33

Welcome to

A few months ago God really opened up John 16:33 in a new way to me when I read it in the Amplified version. The word UNDAUNTED jumped out of the page.

My favorite definition of the word is from the Cambridge Dictionary: "still determined and enthusiastic, despite problems or no success."

Undaunted Woman was born to help women, like myself, that have not fully lived in a John 16:33 way to become Undaunted.

The things that 'daunt' me might not be yours or vice versa but it's the same Jesus that has deprived it of its power to harm us and He has already conquered it.

So welcome. Let's step into the Undaunted life Jesus won for us!

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The Undaunted Challenge is about becoming a Undaunted Woman of God.

Join us in April for a month of Undaunted Worship to God and finding a Hallelujah.

In May we will explore God's unconditional love for us so we can truly know who we are in Christ.

Join us in June for a month of devotions about becoming Undaunted Warriors.

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