Undaunted Worship Day 4

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied is the man who fears, reveres and worships the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.

Psalm 112:1

Blessed, happy, fortunate… I don’t know about you, but I would love to have that in my life every day. If we are all honest, we wouldn’t mind if people envied us a little either. Envy over our lives, our stuff, etc. isn’t the kind of envy we want but imagine being envied because of how we worship God?

It’s very hard to be daunted when you are worshiping God. When we worship God, our focus in on Him, not our lives or our storms. We can walk on water like Peter when we are focused solely on Him. His perfect peace can drown out the noise of the daunters.

If we are really honest, most of our daunters wouldn’t exist if we delighted greatly in His commandments. If we loved God with all our hearts and had no other idols before Him, we would have our lives in order and a right focus.

Many people say the law and Commandments are not for the modern church, and yes we are saved by grace through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his resurrection. But we can’t know what we are saved from if we don’t know what the ‘rules’ are.

Jesus even took them further by saying that even if you don’t murder someone, for example, but have hatred in your heart, it is as good as murder.

Can you sing a hallelujah today that when we put things in order we can be blessed, happy, fortunate and there are even blessings for our offspring! (See verse 2)

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