Undaunted Worship Day 30

The Lord is my Strength & my Song, & He has become my Salvation; this is my God, & I will praise Him, my father’s God, & I will exalt Him.

Exodus 15:2

This song of praise came after one of the greatest miracles of deliverance. Pursued by their Daunter captors, The Egyptians, the Israelites find themselves standing in front of another overwhelming Daunter, The Red Sea. That can happen, we find freedom for one Daunter but it won’t give us up easily and then we find ourselves staring a new one in the eyes.

God had a plan and He wanted to demonstrate how powerful He was and how much He had deprived both Daunters of their power to harm His people.

What brought this great victory? The obedience on the part of Moses. Faith stood firm and God brought all His resources flooding in to part the sea.

The best part, remember the Egyptian Daunter they were running from, well the new Daunter of the Red Sea ended up devouring the Egyptians. So remember when God says ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD, He means ALL THINGS!

Like the Israelites, can you stand on the other side of your storm watching your Daunter captor destroyed by the Daunter you thought was blocking your path and sing a Hallelujah?

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