Undaunted Worship Day 3

After that I heard what sounded like a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, & like the roar of terrific & mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent reigns! Let us celebrate & ascribe to Him glory & honor, for the marriage of the Lamb, at last, has come & His bride has prepared herself.

Revelation 19:6-7

This passage in Revelation 19 has the title the Four Hallelujahs in the Amplified Bible, so let’s continue with this because it is beautiful.

I love that the words ‘at last’ were added in about the marriage of the Lamb. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for this wedding!!!!

We don’t talk about it too much but there is a wedding feast for the Bride of Christ and we already have our invites.

In Matthew 25, Jesus shares a parable about the upcoming wedding feast and 10 virgins. Five were wise but five were foolish. They all were ready for the wedding feast but only the wise ladies brought extra oil.

When the Bridegroom tarried, they all feel asleep, no doubt their lamps burning and their oil depleting. Then at midnight, the darkest hour, the call comes that He is here.

It is interesting how verse 7 puts it “Then all those virgins got up and put their own lamps in order”. But not all of them could complete the task. The foolish virgins had no extra oil and had used up all they had. They asked the wise virgins for oil, but wisdom’s response was “there will not be enough for us and you”.

Ladies, there will be a moment when no matter how much we want to help others there will not be enough for us and them. As much as now we need to pray, share, walk along side the foolish virgins in our lives there will be a moment when unless they prepare themselves there will not be enough for us to give to them, because salvation comes from the Lord.

While they tried to get oil, the Bridegroom arrived, and the door was shut. Verse 13 gives us a warning “Watch therefore, give strict attention and be cautious and active, for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come.”

All ten were invited to the wedding. All ten waited, excited for His arrival. Only five were ready when He came.

Revelation 19 tells us that “His Bride has prepared herself”. Are you prepared? Is your lamp in order? Don’t fall asleep until you have extra oil.

We are the Bride of Christ and our beloved is coming any minute. Let’s start the wedding celebration now and be a prepared Bride, found ready and waiting with a Hallelujah on her lips.

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