Undaunted Worship Day 29

But Jesus, fully aware of this, said to them, Why do you bother the woman? She had done a noble, praiseworthy & beautiful thing to Me.

Matthew 26:10

I love this story. Jesus is in Bethany and Mary comes to Him with a bottle of rare perfume and breaks the bottle and washing Jesus’ feet with her hair.

The disciples were outraged. How could she be so wasteful? The oil was the equivalent of a year’s salary and could have been used to help so many of the poor. If we had been there, we would probably have thought the same.

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem on the surface. This act of sacrifice on this woman’s part was in preparation for what Christ was going to go through on His way to Calvary.

I love how Spurgeon put it “When you do the best you can do, from the purest motives, and your Lord accepts your service, do not expect that your brethren will approve all your actions. If you do, you will be greatly disappointed. She did well to take counsel with her own loving heart, and then to pour the precious oil upon that dear head which was so soon to be crowned with thorns. She thus showed that there was at least one heart in the world that thought nothing was too good for her Lord, and that the best of the best ought to be given to him. May she have many imitators in every age until Jesus comes again!”

Daunters are like the disciples. We take what is precious and valuable to us and we break it at the feet of Jesus and pour it out on Him, in an act so noble, beautiful and praiseworthy. But the commentary from the front row starts and it troubles us. Jesus is standing there telling your Daunters “Why do you bother the woman? I have deprived you of the power to harm her.”

Can you take that thing that God has asked you to pour out in service to Jesus and give Him your most precious Hallelujah today

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