Undaunted Worship Day 26

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name. Bring an offering and come before Him; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and in holy array.

1 Chronicles 16:29

I love how this scripture calls us to worship the Lord ‘in the beauty of holiness’. I love that beauty is attributed to holiness.

Holiness has always had a huge part to play in the worship of God. In Solomon’s temple, the Holy of Holies was where the final part of the worship would happen. This is where the High Priest would enter and bring the prayers and praise before God, in His presence.

There was a whole process the High Priest had to go through to make sure he was completely pure to enter into God’s presence.

There is beauty in holiness. Holiness means to be set apart. The beauty part is that when we are set apart for God we can experience fellowship with Him in the way we were created to. The Holy of Holies is free of Daunters. The Veil separated the rest of the Temple from the Holy of Holies where God’s presence was. We know when Jesus died on Calvary the Veil was split and the separation between man and God’s presence was removed. We now can come boldly before His throne.

But Daunters try to place another Veil between us and the beauty of holiness, the Veil of Unbelief. This Veil stops us from seeing the undaunting power of what Christ did on the Cross. It stops us from seeing the promise that Jesus has deprived the Daunter of its power to harm us.

When we tear down the Veil of Daunted Unbelief and step into the beauty of holiness we will find that we can worship God in a way beyond any Hallelujah ever heard.

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