Undaunted Worship Day 21

Serve the Lord with gladness! Come before His presence with singing!

Psalm 100:2

Oh, how easy it is to let life make us come into God’s presence with heavy hearts and sadness. Think about it for a minute, if your husband or your kid or other loved one was always coming into the room sad and heavy it would make you sad that they weren’t happy to see us. I do it all the time. I come to God with my problems and my worries and I can’t find a song.

Psalm 100 is a psalm of thanksgiving. Like the scripture from Luke, we need to have that overflowing gladness in our hearts towards God.

Serving the Lord with gladness can be hard. Some services are not things that make us glad. Sometimes the place we are serving isn’t fun but when we count it a privilege to do anything for the Kingdom of God we can find joy. Like we talked about on the 10th, in Matthew 25 Jesus talks about those that are faithful with the little things.

So often we let the worries of this life, the anxiety, the Daunters steal our gladness. In the fallen world we live in even nature groans for the ultimate restoration that will come from Christ’s return. But we don’t see nature letting these Daunters stop them doing what they were created to do.

Consider the lilies and wildflowers, how they grow in the open field. They neither labor nor spin wool to make clothing; yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory and splendor dressed himself like one of these.

Luke 12:27

I love this time of year and how the sides of the road are full of the beautiful color from the wildflowers. The absolute beauty and splendor they display. Some of them grow in less than ideal conditions but they blossom none the less. If God has given it the ability to share His beautiful creation then how much more does He want to give us the ability to shine where we are.

Come before Him today with a song of praise on your lips, let your Hallelujah be filled with gladness.

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