Undaunted Worship Day 20

O Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!

Psalm 96:1

A Daunter will strip you of your song and your desire to sing. Trust me I understand. I wish I could stand here and say that in the darkest times of my life I was found with songs of praise on my lips. But the times that I could even find a song at all it was a sad song. It was a song of pity and heartbreak, of broken dreams and shattered hopes, of weariness and heaviness.

There comes a moment in our lives and today may be that moment for you where you must decide. This sad song is out of tune and nothing flows together, it has this dulling sensation that lulls me to sleep. On the other hand, we can sing a new song.

Have you ever noticed how every singer has that one song that is their song, it’s that career maker or that signature song that no matter who sings it before or after them, it belongs to them? Their voice was made to sing it. Yes, they will sing other songs but nothing has the same impact as that song.

New can be scary but new can also restore excitement.
You need to find your song, the one that defines you. Don’t get stuck in that old tired melody that the Daunter taught you to sing.

Today can you ask God to give you a new Hallelujah chorus that will revive your heart and restore your spirit.

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