Undaunted Worship Day 2

I love reading the last few chapters of Revelation. Oh, the blessed hope we have, the future its words describe. Babylon has fallen and Christ is about to return for His Bride. All that is left is the wedding feast and the end to the enemy.

This verse speaks of the ultimate victory cheer. Babylon is the nation of daunters and of captivity. They were a constant source of captivity to the Israelites. In Revelation, for me, it sums up the state of society in the end. Verse 2 of chapter 18 describes her this way, “She has become a resort and dwelling place for demons, a dungeon haunted by every loathsome spirit, an abode for every filthy and detestable bird.” Back to our frothy slime pit, sounds a lot like Babylon, sounds a lot like our world today. Soaked in self, greed, deception, witchcraft.  

Before the final end to Babylon, a voice from heaven says, “come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues” (Rev18:4). It’s time we come out of this world’s system and priorities. We can’t be worldly Christians any more. When we live in Babylon, we live in the captivity of daunters. We are caught up in building up earthly store houses when we have been told to lay our treasures in heaven. We focus on stuff and things and schedules not the precious pearls and gem stones that are people and making sure that not one precious soul is left behind.

Imagine the scene, standing on the outside of Babylon watching every demonic influence, every addiction, every fear, every stronghold, every daunter, everything that has hindered us with one great boulder destroyed. That’s why this verse speaks of the victory Hallelujah. Our Daunters may be able to lie to us now and make us forget that Jesus has deprived them of the power to harm us but in this beautiful moment, that we will get to be part of all, that ends.

Let us praise God today for the salvation and glory, splendor and majesty and power, dominion and authority that belong to Him. That thought we fight Daunters today we will witness their ultimate destruction. Now that’s something to raise a Hallelujah to!

Download the Undaunted Worship Booklet or the Undaunted Worship Journal.

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