Undaunted Worship Day 19

From the rising of the sun to the going down of it and from east to west, the name of the Lord is to be praised!

Psalm 113:3

I don’t know how or when we relegated praise to a segment of the Sunday morning service and the music we listen to in our cars but I think we have missed the point.

From the rising of the sun to the going down of it. Every waking moment should be a praise to Him.

Now I’m not saying walking around singing the entire day like your life is a musical or opera unless that’s your thing and then please continue. It’s about our lives being an expression of gratitude to God.

The word for praise is the Hebrew word Halal which as well as meaning to be praised means to shine. The name of the Lord is to shine through us from sun up to sun down.

True worship is the life that is walked in surrender to God.

We have all met those rare jewels of Christians that have or had truly grasped this perfect surrender. They didn’t have to say a word because they brought the sweet scent of Christ with them everywhere they went. Their every waking moment they shone for the glory of God.

God knows we will never be perfect until we see Him face to face but we can strive to that sweet savor of Christ everywhere we go.

Today, sing a hallelujah in your heart all day that will shine through you and praise the name of the Lord.

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