Undaunted Worship Day 16

For great is the Lord & greatly to be praised; He also is to be reverently feared above all so-called gods.

1 Chronicles 16:25

Daunters like us to fear them. And they would like to lead us to believe that they are far scarier than God. The next verse says “all the gods of the people are lifeless idols”. We could add in there all the Daunters are lifeless idols.

If we fear our Daunters we are forgetting that Jesus has deprived them of the power to harm us and then we are not giving Him the praise and reverent fear that He won for us on Calvary.

The verse was written as a Psalm by David when the ark was settled in Jerusalem. The ark represented the presence of God.

This declaration is that God is greater than anything else and that we must give Him His rightful place in our lives.

We may not live in a time like David where there are so many other ‘official’ gods but there are so many things people worship as a god now in place of God. It’s easy to place the things and activities in our lives that we worship ahead of God.

We need to do regular health checks to make sure God is on the throne of our hearts. So sing Hallelujah to Him today because He is great and greatly to be praised!

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