Undaunted Worship Day 15

I am the Lord; that is My name! And My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images.

Isaiah 42:8

How would you feel if your husband, boyfriend, child, someone that you love so much came home and spent the whole day talking about someone else and praising someone else? Texting them, talking on the phone to them, entirely focused on them and not you?

So often that is what we do to God.  It may not be a ‘graven image’ but we have idols we put before God and give our attention and focus to. Often, it’s things that are a natural part of our lives, our husband, our kids, our careers, our hobby, you name it, we make it that focus of our affection and our praise.

I remember hearing the story of Charles Spurgeon where one day while walking through Piccadilly Circus in London, he dropped to his knees in the middle of the street. His companion asked him what was wrong, and he said he had felt something come between him and his Savior. With no regard for his own safety (and that is one place stopping in the road is the worse idea) he couldn’t wait for the second it would take to get across the street. It left a huge imprint in my mind.

Do I love you like that Lord? Is my relationship with You so completely consuming that the slightest deviation causes me to feel the space between us? Is my entire being dependent on that close, intimate connection to You?

Then I look at the hurried insanity that is my life and squeezing in 5 minutes to read the scripture of the day is a task. Every day I ask Him to share His glory in my life with the things in my life.

Where our hearts are, we will find what we are worshiping. Can you find a pure Hallelujah today that gives only God the glory and that He gets all of you in?

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