Undaunted Worship Day 13

That together you may unanimously with united hearts & one voice, praise & glorify the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Romans 15:6

We live in a time when the church is so divided, well never mind the church the whole planet is divided. Everywhere you look, on every subject possibly known to man, there are opposite reactions between everyone.

We live in a time when there are no grey areas. God isn’t a fan of lukewarm anyhow so maybe it’s better that people are finally deciding which side they belong to.

The Body of Christ has no business becoming entangled with the division Daunters. Now I’m not talking about issues that go against God’s word, we must defend and guard the faith. I’m talking about the silly divisions that Daunters use to destroy so many ministries, churches, and leaders.

Philippians 2:2 says we are to ‘live in harmony and being the same mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention”. United hearts!

I know how hard that is. There are people that I have had to separate myself from because there was no harmony between us. Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement and went their separate ways, there are times when issues arise that have nothing to do with the word of God. But both men continued their service to God.

I think that’s a place we have to get to. If our minds are fixed on God, His Kingdom, His Glory, and His work and not on our own selfish vain ambitions we will be one voice united in praise.

I saw a situation last year unfold on Facebook that stemmed from two local churches having booths at the county fair next to each other. Somewhere in the process of ministering together to the lost, they got into a discussion on Calvinism. The Calvinist Pastor went to the lengths of printing t-shirts during the week-long fair showing the Five Points of Calvinism because the other church no longer wanted to even talk to them about anything never mind the subject. I was saddened that this played out so publicly and the Daunter ‘Doctrinal Differences’ won the day by distracting both churches and bringing disunity. But it happens so often when we get caught up in these debates and discussions. Trust me when I say I am just as guilty at letting ‘Doctrinal Differences’ become a Daunter in my life.

Romans 12:18 says “if possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” If possible!!! God knows there are times where peace isn’t always possible but make sure, as it depends on you, you have done all you can to be at peace. It means walking away sometimes when you want to stand and defend yourself. It means not reacting when you have been spitefully used, lied about, misrepresented and wounded. I heard a beautiful definition of forgiveness recently.

Nancy Missler said, “When we unconditionally forgive them, we are simply releasing them to God, so that HE can then judge them righteously, and so that our response to their sin won’t become a stumbling block in us.”

As much as depends on you, can you today lay down the things that have let a Daunter place disunity around you and remove that stumbling block so you can sing a united Hallelujah?

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