Undaunted Woman Day 6

Let the high praises of God be in their throats and a two-edged sword in their hands.

Psalm 149:6

This is a battlefield prayer. In fact, the whole Psalm is about worship.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4 talks about how the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or human but they are “mighty before God”. There is nothing mightier that high praise.

We are not talking about some little Sunday service Baptist hymnal praise here, oh no!!! This is the praise that is an exaltation. It’s lifting praise to God higher than anything else in your world. It’s praising Him above your trials, above your storm, above your bad mood. It’s putting Him in the utmost place in your life and declaring Him King. It’s the true sense of proclaiming a hallelujah. The sound is coming from deep in their throats.

Let’s also be clear this verse is NOT talking about the church choir either. This verse is talking about the fully armed warriors for the Kingdom. They don’t have any wimpy little sword or bow in their hand, they have a two-edged sword. This sword will get you every way you swing it.

Do you see the images coming together, a warrior with a mighty sword in their hand exalting and worshipping God? THIS IS OUR WARFARE!

If God inhabits the praises of His people, then it would only make sense that is where we will find His strength in us. Jericho fell not because of cannons or ramparts but because of faithful praise and there are so many other examples in the Bible of sending the choir onto the battlefield first.

When we truly worship God, we are no longer afraid of a two-edged sword or what it will do. We will let the worship and Word of God penetrate our hearts and cut away the Daunters and their hold on us. We are no longer afraid because our focus has shifted to Him and His glory, not our lives and definitely not our Daunters.

Can you pick up your sword and from deep down inside raise a Hallelujah as high as you can?

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