Undaunted Challenge
Coming Soon!

My favourite definition of the word UNDAUNTED is from the Cambridge Dictionary.

"Not frightened or discouraged, despite problems or lack of success."

Spend a month walking through what the living life from a Biblically Undaunted place looks like.

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Undaunted Worship
April 1st 2019

We were created to worship God and worship is the most powerful spiritual weapon, after prayer, we can use.

Join us for a month of focus on Undaunted worship, where despite our problems we can sing Hallelujah to God.

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Undaunted Love
May 1st 2019

In order to live an Undaunted life we need to understand God's love for us.

In May we will explore God's unconditional love for us so we can truly know who we are in Christ.

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Undaunted Warrior
June 1st 2019

When we start living our lives in an Undaunted way we can then become effective warriors for Christ.

For the month of June we will focus on Biblical lessons of undaunted warrior. Learn how to pick up the sword of truth and fight the good fight.

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Be of good cheer, take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted! For I have overcome the world! I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered if for you!

John 16:33