Undaunted Worship Day 9

Make me to hear joy & gladness & be satisfied; let the bones which You have broken rejoice.

Psalm 51:8

Daunters can leave us deaf, confused, and dissatisfied. Their lies can twist our viewpoint and perspective. We can see things in ways they were never meant to be seen. We need the Holy Spirit to restore the joy of our salvation to us. In the armor of God in Ephesians, it is called the Helmet of Salvation. Helmets protect the head and our minds. Salvation is that protection. When we focus on that beautiful gift we have been given we protect our minds from the deception of the Daunters.

The hard part of this verse is “Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.” My heart reacted to that part. I know what it means to have Him break my ‘bones’. I stubbornly hold on to Daunters and He is left with no choice.

When I was in university I was on the Equestrian Team and during a training session, the horse I was riding was in pain and started to buck to get me off and stop the pain. Of course, he ejected me with such force that I did a rather dramatic mid-air summersault before landing on my wrist and fracturing my radius. I went to the ER and they put me in a cast. The next day my fingers started to swell and the pain got worse. When I went back to the doctor he told me one of the other bones had shifted out of place because of the fracture. In order to fix this, I was going to need to be put under so he could break my wrist again in order to put the misplaced bone back in place. If untreated I would never have regained full use of my hand and wrist again and probably done nerve damage.

Our spiritual bones are like that, a hurt causes a fracture in our hearts and we start to mend it but something else was displaced inside us. It’s those displaced bones that God has to break sometimes. And they are painful.

Our tender physician restores these bones and after the healing takes place we rejoice again. Will you let those bones that He broke rejoice today so your healing will be complete?

Undaunted Worship Day 8

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9

Daunters will lie to you. They will say you are a failure, that you aren’t good enough, that you will never do anything great or be anyone special.

Oh, but they are wrong. You are special, you are chosen, you are called, God’s own possession!

So many of us can get lost in the humdrum of daily life, lost in the repetitive tasks of our lives, every day much of the sameness. But you have a much bigger task, to proclaim His praises.

He called us out of darkness into His light, marvelous light!

Isaiah 42:16 says “I will make darkness into light before them and uneven places into plains. These things I have determined to do for them and I will not leave them forsaken.” He has deprived them of the power to harm us, even to the point that the uneven things in our lives will be turned to plains.

Finances can be a constant bumpy rollercoaster ride, our health can shift with our fluctuating hormones, our work stress can vary with deadlines and all the other things that can make our lives an uneven place. A lot of these things aren’t easily smoothed over but what can change is our reaction.

The line in Laura Daigle’s song You say has hit me hard recently – “Am I just the sum of every high and every low?” That is how I have felt my life has been but I don’t want that, I want God to even out the plains.

Can we sing a Hallelujah today for the fact that we are chosen, His own special people and that we can proclaim His praises?

Undaunted Woman Day 7

Sing praise to the Lord, for He has done excellent things, gloriously; let this be made known to all the earth. Cry aloud & shout joyfully, you women & inhabitants of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy one of Israel.

Isaiah 12:5-6

This chapter of Isaiah is prophetic about the second coming of the Lord. The chapter starts with the words “And in that day you will say”, the day it is talking about is when Jesus returns to claim His bride.

Great in our midst! That’s something worth shouting about. In the new Heaven and new Earth, we will live with Christ on the New Earth and He will be in our midst.

Revelation 21:3 “Then I heard a mighty voice from the throne…See! The abode of God is with me and He will live, encamp, tent, among them; and they shall be His people, and God shall personally be with them and be their God.”

Can you close your eyes for a moment and let that soak in. No more wondering where God is, no more praying for revival or a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. EVERY MOMENT we will be in the presence of God.

We are inhabitants of Zion, the new earth. Don’t forget He is coming back and this is not our home. Now that’s something to sing a Hallelujah about!

Undaunted Worship Day 4

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied is the man who fears, reveres and worships the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.

Psalm 112:1

Blessed, happy, fortunate… I don’t know about you, but I would love to have that in my life every day. If we are all honest, we wouldn’t mind if people envied us a little either. Envy over our lives, our stuff, etc. isn’t the kind of envy we want but imagine being envied because of how we worship God?

It’s very hard to be daunted when you are worshiping God. When we worship God, our focus in on Him, not our lives or our storms. We can walk on water like Peter when we are focused solely on Him. His perfect peace can drown out the noise of the daunters.

If we are really honest, most of our daunters wouldn’t exist if we delighted greatly in His commandments. If we loved God with all our hearts and had no other idols before Him, we would have our lives in order and a right focus.

Many people say the law and Commandments are not for the modern church, and yes we are saved by grace through Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his resurrection. But we can’t know what we are saved from if we don’t know what the ‘rules’ are.

Jesus even took them further by saying that even if you don’t murder someone, for example, but have hatred in your heart, it is as good as murder.

Can you sing a hallelujah today that when we put things in order we can be blessed, happy, fortunate and there are even blessings for our offspring! (See verse 2)

Undaunted Worship Day 3

After that I heard what sounded like a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, & like the roar of terrific & mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent reigns! Let us celebrate & ascribe to Him glory & honor, for the marriage of the Lamb, at last, has come & His bride has prepared herself.

Revelation 19:6-7

This passage in Revelation 19 has the title the Four Hallelujahs in the Amplified Bible, so let’s continue with this because it is beautiful.

I love that the words ‘at last’ were added in about the marriage of the Lamb. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for this wedding!!!!

We don’t talk about it too much but there is a wedding feast for the Bride of Christ and we already have our invites.

In Matthew 25, Jesus shares a parable about the upcoming wedding feast and 10 virgins. Five were wise but five were foolish. They all were ready for the wedding feast but only the wise ladies brought extra oil.

When the Bridegroom tarried, they all feel asleep, no doubt their lamps burning and their oil depleting. Then at midnight, the darkest hour, the call comes that He is here.

It is interesting how verse 7 puts it “Then all those virgins got up and put their own lamps in order”. But not all of them could complete the task. The foolish virgins had no extra oil and had used up all they had. They asked the wise virgins for oil, but wisdom’s response was “there will not be enough for us and you”.

Ladies, there will be a moment when no matter how much we want to help others there will not be enough for us and them. As much as now we need to pray, share, walk along side the foolish virgins in our lives there will be a moment when unless they prepare themselves there will not be enough for us to give to them, because salvation comes from the Lord.

While they tried to get oil, the Bridegroom arrived, and the door was shut. Verse 13 gives us a warning “Watch therefore, give strict attention and be cautious and active, for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come.”

All ten were invited to the wedding. All ten waited, excited for His arrival. Only five were ready when He came.

Revelation 19 tells us that “His Bride has prepared herself”. Are you prepared? Is your lamp in order? Don’t fall asleep until you have extra oil.

We are the Bride of Christ and our beloved is coming any minute. Let’s start the wedding celebration now and be a prepared Bride, found ready and waiting with a Hallelujah on her lips.

Undaunted Worship Day 2

I love reading the last few chapters of Revelation. Oh, the blessed hope we have, the future its words describe. Babylon has fallen and Christ is about to return for His Bride. All that is left is the wedding feast and the end to the enemy.

This verse speaks of the ultimate victory cheer. Babylon is the nation of daunters and of captivity. They were a constant source of captivity to the Israelites. In Revelation, for me, it sums up the state of society in the end. Verse 2 of chapter 18 describes her this way, “She has become a resort and dwelling place for demons, a dungeon haunted by every loathsome spirit, an abode for every filthy and detestable bird.” Back to our frothy slime pit, sounds a lot like Babylon, sounds a lot like our world today. Soaked in self, greed, deception, witchcraft.  

Before the final end to Babylon, a voice from heaven says, “come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues” (Rev18:4). It’s time we come out of this world’s system and priorities. We can’t be worldly Christians any more. When we live in Babylon, we live in the captivity of daunters. We are caught up in building up earthly store houses when we have been told to lay our treasures in heaven. We focus on stuff and things and schedules not the precious pearls and gem stones that are people and making sure that not one precious soul is left behind.

Imagine the scene, standing on the outside of Babylon watching every demonic influence, every addiction, every fear, every stronghold, every daunter, everything that has hindered us with one great boulder destroyed. That’s why this verse speaks of the victory Hallelujah. Our Daunters may be able to lie to us now and make us forget that Jesus has deprived them of the power to harm us but in this beautiful moment, that we will get to be part of all, that ends.

Let us praise God today for the salvation and glory, splendor and majesty and power, dominion and authority that belong to Him. That thought we fight Daunters today we will witness their ultimate destruction. Now that’s something to raise a Hallelujah to!

Download the Undaunted Worship Booklet or the Undaunted Worship Journal.

Undaunted Worship Day 1

What a beautiful Psalm to start our month of undaunted worship to the Lord with. The first 3 verses of Psalm 40 really sum up the Undaunted journey.

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”

I love how verse 2 describes the mire in the Amplified Bible “out of the miry clay (froth and slime)”. Doesn’t that really sum up how Daunters can make us feel? It’s not bad enough its clay, which isn’t fertile ground but it’s slime and froth and yuck that not only is it covering you but now everything else is sticking to slime. Come on all you mamas I know you have cleaned up slimy sticky mess and know what I’m talking about.

But that’s where we used to be because when we wait patiently on the Lord and we cry out to Him, He comes. Now the interesting part of verse 2 is the word for ‘brought’ is Alah (aw-law) in Hebrew which doesn’t really mean brought or lifted up. It translates “to go up, ascend, climb”. He causes us to ascend out of our pits. He puts us upon a rock, THE ROCK, Jesus Christ. If our lives aren’t built of the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, then we are building it on shifting sand and we will end up back in the slime pit. I don’t know about you, but I’m more than over the slime and froth!

The beautiful part of this scripture is the new song He is giving us. A song of praise. My Pastor always says we are the only Bible some people will ever read. People are watching. They see your crazy life, they see the Daunters you face, and when you start singing that song God is writing on your heart, they will hear it too. Naomi had a song on her lips and although outwardly it sounded like mourning and defeat, something in the melody spoke to Ruth and she wanted to follow Naomi because she saw who her God was and what He could do.

So, grab hold of God’s hand and let Him help you out of this daunter pit and then raise your hands and sing a Hallelujah! Many will see what He has done in your life and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord, because you raised a Hallelujah!

Undaunted Worship

Welcome to Undaunted Worship.

For the month of April we will take a journey to look at what the Bible has to say about worship.

Remember the definition of ‘undaunted’ means, still determined and enthusiastic, despite problems or no success. Undaunted worship is worshiping God despite the problems the Daunters in our lives create.

How does it work?

Each day we will look at a different scripture about worship. If you subscribe to the blog you will receive an email each day with the scripture and a short devotional. If you are part of our Facebook Group then you will see the scripture there too.

Also because writing scripture out helps to absorb it more, I also really recommend that you write the verse of the day out.

Then the challenge part, each day I want you to be very specific and sing an undaunted Hallelujah to God. This can be just a prayer, a moment of worship or you can write it in your journal. Just be deliberate about it. Science is showing that giving thanks actually changes the chemistry in our brains. They also say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so after 30 days you should have well and truly made singing a Hallelujah every day!

To bring all this together and make it super simple for you, I have created a PDF booklet that you can download. There are two versions, one has the daily scripture and a little prompt to come up with your Hallelujah for the day. The other is blank so you can write the scripture and write your Hallelujah.

Download Files Here

I hope you find this month undauntingly refreshing!